Project "Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics - Your Patent for Success in Competitive Conditions

Project "Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics - Your Patent for Success in Competitive Conditions" co-financed from the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Operational Program Knowledge Education and Development aims to improve the availability of international education programs for 100 full-time and part-time students of the first-cycle programme of modified and internationalized specialty of Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics (ZTSL) in the field of Administration at WSPiA University of Rzeszów by preparing and implementing an international study program in the ZTSL specialty, by including lecturers from abroad and support for foreigners enabling them to study and take up employment in Poland.
Project implementation period: 01/04/2017 - 31/10/2019.
Budget: PLN 1 137 316.68, including PLN 1 103 192.18, co-financed from the European Social Fund.
As a result of the project implementation, the following indicators have been planned to be achieved:
Result indicators
- Number of full-time and part-time students of the second cycle programme of Administration, specialty in Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics, who complete international education programmes launched thanks to the ESF support - 80 students, including 53 women and 27 men.
- Number of foreign students in the field of Administration, specialties in Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics, which will complete international education programmes launched thanks to ESF support - 16 students, including 10 women and 6 men.
- Number of full-time and part-time students of the second cycle programme of Administration, specialty in Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics, supported under the project in the period from 2017 to October 2019 - 100 students, including 66 women and 34 men.
- Number of foreign students in the field of Administration, specialties in Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics, supported under the project from the period of 2017 to October 2019 - 20 students, including 12 women and 8 men.
Product indicators
- Launch of the international education program by the university thanks to the support from the ESF,
- Implementation of classes conducted by lecturers from abroad,
- Implementation of the international summer school,
- Implementation of classes in English.
Task 1: Preparation and implementation of international study programmes in the specialty of Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics.
The task includes:
- verification of the current education program in the specialty of Transport Management - Logistics - Forwarding in terms of its adaptation to the requirements of international cooperation, which will result in:
- modification of the content of education and language (from Polish to English), in which three subjects will be implemented. It is planned to modify the contents and method of education in the area covering the subject of EU customs law, customs procedures (national and EU law) and develop the ability to use them in practice and moving around the modern market,
- completing the study program with a minimum of 4 subjects that will be delivered in English by lecturers from abroad with achievements in academic and professional work. The topics of the course will include: global conditions of customs policy, trade management in the international space including international management, globalization and trade trends, trade policy instruments, international trade agreements, international customs law, international taxation, and issues related to customs procedures.
- implementation of support for 40 full-time students and 60 part-time students by:
- implementation of classes in English during the first three semesters,
- implementation of classes by three lecturers from abroad.
- providing accommodation and maintaining 20 foreign students in Poland in the period directly related to the course of the education cycle, i.e. October 2017-June 2018 and October 2018 – June 2019,
- implementation of classes regarding the preparation of a foreign student to take up employment in Poland, which will include:
- adaptation workshops,
- support for a career counselor.
Task 2 Implementation of the international summer school.
The task includes
- implementation of the 3-week international summer school in September 2017 addressed to 40 students (including 20 foreign students and 20 Polish students, participants of full-time studies),
- as part of the task students will:
- have classes in Polish,
- participate in cultural events,
- take part in integration and cultural trips
The target group of the project is 100 full-time and part-time students of the second-cycle Master's degree studies, semester 4, specialty in Administration, Transport Management - Shipping - Logistics.
The project will cover the first year of the second-cycle studies from the enrollment for the first year of study in the academic year 2017/18. The target group will be:
40 full-time students (including 26 women + 14 men) including 20 foreign students (of which 12 women and 8 men) and
60 part-time students (of which 40 women + 20 men).
The modified and internationalized specialty will be implemented in a two-year cycle.
Recruitment rules:
Recruitment for the project will be based on:
Resolution No. 6 / II / 2016 of the Senate of WSPiA on the rules and procedure for admitting candidates for the first year of studies in the academic year 2017/2018
recruitment form;
protocols, ranking lists: basic, reserve.
Information about the project:
Internet, notice boards, information meetings, direct conversations.
Recruitment dates:
June 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017.
Access criteria:
for Polish students - having a diploma of completion of the first-cycle studies,
for foreign students - holding a diploma of completion of the first-cycle studies and - photocopy of passport (page with photo), diploma and / and foreign certificate entitling to apply for admission to study in Poland, legalization of diploma issued outside of Poland, decision on recognition higher education, translation into Polish of all documents drawn up in a language other than Polish, a document certifying the right to study on the principles applicable to Polish citizens.
Technical criteria:
recruitment will be conducted separately for full-time studies for Polish and foreign citizens as well as part-time students for Polish citizens,
the score will be determined on the basis of the sum of points from the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies (very good, + good - 5 points, good, + satisfactory - 4 points, satisfactory - 2 points) and the final grade from English Language;
priority is given to people with the highest total score.
Equal number of points - a conclusive criterion:
priority will be given to people with a higher grade average of exams in the first-cycle programme
Additional information
unqualified people will be saved to reserve lists,
people who meet the conditions of participation in the project will be required to complete the relevant documentation, accept the Regulations for participation.